the journey/judah ministry

Judah was born in Molos park in Limassol Cyprus in July 2006. when the spirit of compassion for the lost and needy people. who are living in immorality overwhelmed the heart of  pastor Mila. A Filipino pastor in Cyprus. the founder of this ministry.  one morning on her prayer time, she was praying and walking at the park together with one of her member.while she’s still co pastoring the savior church when she saw an open vision of people.whose faces were like old burner stove, dirty and black because of neglect, she then saw 2 kids aged 10 yrs old.who lit the stove using matches. she was transfix where she was standing and went home without knowing what  vision means. It was her 40th birthday it was 5 days later when she understood what means. Those people with faces of dirty old burner stove, who are living without CHRIST needed the light of God. she then acted once by resigning at her former church and started doing bible sharing at the park. The start of this ministry was not prosperous as she encounter many trials mocking and persecution from both  believers and non believers alike knowing that the vision come from God. she remained strong amidst persecution. God ,gave her 3 good people who loved God and with the same passion for the lost like her sister, Amy Janet and Jovy ,they worked hard together teaching and sharing the word of God to all who are willing to listen.Pastor Mila and the three meet early at 7am every Sunday at the park for prayer devotion, crying and petitioning God to make their labor fruitful. after one hour of prayer, Pastor Mila went to her part time job. the money she earn for her part time. she use it to buy a second hand bible, to give to the new converts while the three companion is teaching them song in the morning,  at lunch they ate together at the park and in the afternoon  they shared the word of God , during their time at the park  they facing persecution, God gave them prophetic words from three different strangers for three consecutive Sunday ‘s,encouraging them not to lose hope for they will reap the fruit of their labors, people keep comings so  hunger for the word of God and their 6 Sunday at the park a woman challenged pastor Mila that she will believe God only if miracle happen. Two weeks later the miracle happen through the life of sister Edna, now one of the elder of Judah  ministry.who was told to die in a week due to the illness ,But God  miraculously healed her and soul being fallowed! because of number of believers double, pastor Mila stoped her part time job and start teaching leadership training. winter is approaching and rain started to pour, they ask God for a place of worship after 7 months at the park ,God gave them their first church, a room they shared with others to help their to the rent, God was so good;believers were baptized and become faithful to God. from shared room to studio type apartment become too small for the church we moved to a bigger conference room accommodating at least 150 people. this is still that place of worship of Judah ministry until now. The hand of God is with us and trials we encounter on the way seems nothing in comparison to the triumph and blessing we recieve from God!!! we give all the GLORYand PRAISES to HIM who built HIS KINGDOM…

judah ministry,

jeremiah 29:11for i know the plans  i have for you declare” the LOrd plans to prosper you and not  to harm you, plansto give you hopeand a future..

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